Thank you, Lisa!
I wonder if they come in different colors. One would hope.
I wonder about the fragrance. One would hope not.
I wonder if it would help to put those preservative packets in the water. Viagra?
I wonder whether they would look better on the kitchen table or in the entry.:)
I wonder if they're cheaper by the dozen. Slut.
I wonder if they come in long-stemmed. Ouch.

I think in a clear rectangular vase on the breakfast table is best.
Heehee! I love it!
Rectangular? You mean they have sharp edges? Omigod. I had no idea. What about thorns?
Sweet Pea,
Hee hee, giggle giggle, snort snort.
LOL! Oh, gosh! Where on earth did you get that picture? (laughing)
Loraina Bobbit at it again?
I won't comment, I can't comment, I'm afraid to comment.
(I guess that is a comment.)
From Lisa. My verycool niece. Isn't it hilarious?
That's what she said when I remarked that I would never look at peonies in the same way again.
Tee hee. I showed it to Flip, who developed a sudden urge to cover certain parts of his anatomy.
As for you, I think that like me, you are incapable of not commenting on everything.
$7.99? That's quite a deal!
LOL. Yes, it is, as long as they're still living. Dead penis -- not such a good deal.
I was all ready to read a poem.
And then that picture.
You made me snort lemonade out my nose.
Worth it.
What do you mean? Snorting lemonade is one of my best things.
Ok, that's hilarious. Of course you have to add some condom joke... uh...
Did they come in a flower sleeve?
That's the closest I can come... uh.. you know what I mean.
Haha, that's priceless.
$7.99? That's pushing it!
A flower sleeve... hmmmm.
I went looking for you today and saw that you were still in New Orleans. I hope you're having a fantastic vacation.
I think the nursery is in Indiana or another heartland state. Penises come cheaper there than in the big cities, you know.
Thanks for your visit here.
Now *that* would be a Valentine's Day present.
Would you like to place an order?
I've had lots of cut penis. It's uncut penis that's hard to find.
Very funny! And ouch!
As long as they shave the thorns off the stem.
Uh oh. Did they miss one?
Welcome and thanks for coming by.
I will bravely stand by goodthomas in the midst of this female readers' comments flurry. I assume it's some mistake, right? Only i can't imagine what it was meant to say. Eeeeep, I'm outta here.
I have to admit that I wondered where Allisonville is ~ and whether someone did that intentionally. It's hard to imagine anyone accidentally doing it. LOL Very funny sign!
$7.99 for a penis? Man, inflation is bad these days.
I love it too!
I wonder what they meant...
I suspect they meant "peonies." Or maybe there is a penis flower that I'm not aware of.
In Hawaii, they refer to Anthurium as "boy flower" because of its long stamen.
It crossed my mind that it may have been intentional. Otherwise, that's some mighty bad spelling.
Really. Flowers should be worth more than that.
It's hard to say. I wonder what vaginas are going for these days.
How funny!
I would imagine that in a vase on a bedside table would really spoil the mood.
Oh, I don't know. It depends on the mood. And the vase. Presentation is everything.
some days a cut penis is just what a girl needs to make the day worth while.
Ohhh...someone's in Trouble! That was hilarious!
And for only $7.99, who could argue?
Damn. Misplaced my clippers again. Now what can I put in that vase on the mantel?
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