Flip got a haircut. We celebrated with coffee and croissants at the French bakery.
We were actually celebrating that his barber didn't amputate his head with her scissors. While cutting his hair, she announced that she hated to cut hair. She repeated it again later. This was really information that didn't need to be shared.
She was also wearing a bandage around her knee, over her jeans. I asked what she had done to her leg. She said it was broken. She had broken it on a visit to Vietnam in July, but didn't realize it was broken. How, exactly, does this escape ones notice, I wonder?
She said she just thought it hurt. It didn't occur to her that pain meant anything. She continued to walk on it.
"I can run faster than anybody," she stated. Well, okay. And you hate cutting hair. This is looking better and better.
I noticed she'd left some tufts on top, reminiscent of Big Bird. But no matter. Flip is taller than most people, so the top of his head is usually his secret. No blood was drawn, and croissants heal nearly everything.
Walking home, I noticed a dog I didn't know tied up outside a boutique. Male. Definitely male.
"That is the most over-endowed dog I've ever seen," I remarked.
Flip looked at him and whistled. "Where did he get THAT?"
"Well," I said. "He IS a Cocker Spaniel."
ah ahahahahahahahahahah!
Yeah, Studdley is a real cutie. If I were a female Cocker Spaniel...
I bet he's popular at doggie day care!
Yes, but he probably has road burn from dragging it on the ground. That little fluffy pooch was hung like a Mastiff.
Size doesn't matter.
Hold on, let me try that with a straight face.
Size doesn't matter.
Sorry, I just can't do it.
A lady dog involved with Andre the Giant there would be a sure candidate for hosing and stitches.
I tried to write out a drum roll that ends a punch line, but I just can't do it. Please imagine I did it as good and big as the cocker was.
And to think that you saw him in November. In July, he must be dragging.
I've always wanted to be set to music!
Too frightening to think about. Poor puppy needs a codpiece.
I'm glad Flip wasn't scalped by the crazy broken leg "I hate my job" barber.
Well, actually, he was. I would best describe the look as military-punk. When it grows out, he needs to see Eric, who last week gave me the only short haircut I have every liked In My Life.
Did the barber want your pity and then maybe you'd tip more? It's weird that it would come up at all.
Very funny ending!!! I guess we all walked into that one ;-)
Pity? I don't think so. We tip well. It shouldn't be an issue. I think she just walked away and left her mouth running.
That's why it's a shaggy dog story. Gotcha!
Tell Flip to stay away from Sweeney Todd!
Too late. He's already met her.
Who wears a bandage OVER their jeans? Had to be asked.
Ah, much as I loved my time in SF, I could never find a decent hairdresser! There was one particularly bad one on Haight...
I've had that problem everywhere, so I've had long hair forever. I think it's possessed, though... it was cut only a week ago, and is already noticeably longer.
hahahahaha! I never really appreciated Cocker Spaniels until this story.
lol.... we had a cocker spaniel once.. well my cousin did while i was living with her... all it wanted to do was pee on the sofa... you would walk him only for him to pee outside come in and pee again on the couch!
Sometimes, the little guys surprise you.
My Heart,
That dog sounds like a real pisser.
I just can't get past the photo of that cute little dog ... ;)
He is adorable. And loaded for bear.
Kwesi saw the picture of that dog and has declared that we are getting one when we move to Texas. Something about me not being able to resist that face.
Wait. You're moving to Texas? They have Internet there, right?
Um. My post wasn't exactly about his face. But I agree. They are an incredibly adorable breed and belong to a magnificent species.
What a gorgeous Cocker! We've got a white w/tan spotted cocker puppy.
Oohhh, they're so cute!! Enjoy your puppy.
This is the first time in my life I haven't had a dog or a wolf, and I miss them so much. I play with other peoples' dogs at parks and beaches all the time.
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