This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany as part of a unification project. It is located in the city of Magdeburg, near Berlin.
It took six years to complete at a cost of 500 million euros, and is 918 meters long.
The photo was taken on the day of inauguration.
Wow is right. It looks like an Escher print.
This is pretty cool. I can only imagine the board and town council meetings that people had to endure to get this vision out and built. Wow.
That's pretty amazing, definitely worth all of the money and time spent.
Isn't it amazing? I've never seen anything like it.
Escher would have one bridge following another bridge following another...:)
Funny slant on it. Never occurred to me. I'm sure you're right.
I think so, too. Both for the feat of engineering, and for the commerce it will doubtless bring to the area as people come to see it.
What a groovy picture. It will be interesting to see how it effects the lives on both sides.
That is purely astounding.
Very wow. But what I don't really get is why? Is it a confluence of two rivers?
Wait, and HOW long have they been working on the frickin' Bay Bridge? Sounds like we need some Germans.....
It will definitely change things. I keep wondering how they keep the bridge from not collapsing under the weight of the water.
It doesn't seem to be. It seems to be a water bridge, the world's first, OVER a river.
Thank you for your visit. I'm glad you made it over all that water.
Funny you should mention that. It's been years and years, but after the explosion a week or so ago, Herr Governor promises to have the damaged part repaired by the end of June. Wha'????
I know...! Isn't that the most incredible thing you've ever seen? It does look like an optical illusion until you realize it's the real deal.
It definitely makes you rethink reality in the same way that Escher does, as Meno remarked.
I'll second that: Wow!
P.S. Your previous post, Playing Well With Others, was a gem.
Thank you for coming by, and for your most kind remark.
I can't wait to get on a boat and experience it.
Suddenly I am dying to visit Germany to see this superlative engineering feat.
That's beautiful. Here's hoping they make one of those in Isreal and Palestine in twenty years.
That is the best idea I've heard in years. I wish you were running the world. You're brilliant.
That's insane. Meno is right--it looks like Escher went into urban planning.
Meno is amazing. I am always impressed by her comments wherever she leaves them.
And I can't get over this astounding structure.
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