My favorite quote from the simpsons at the moment is from Wiggum to Diamond Joe Quimby and it goes: 'Dont write cheques your ass cant cash' It can be applied to so many everyday incidences!
This got me on a crossword clue this weekend. The clue was Homer's wife. I had M _ R_ E. I guessed Marie. How was I supposed to know if Homer was even married, and why would I know his wife's name. When I said this out loud the room yelled, "MARGE!!!!"
Quotes from the Iliad might make you sound more intelligent, but quotes from the Simpsons will get you bigger laughs, so I think your husband is on the right track.
You weren't here. I started without you. Chai latte, mmmmmmm.
Wikipedia says: " In computer programming, a widget (or control) is an interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box."
My favorite quote from the simpsons at the moment is from Wiggum to Diamond Joe Quimby and it goes: 'Dont write cheques your ass cant cash'
It can be applied to so many everyday incidences!
I was just about to email you for that widget then I read the rest of the post, never mind indeed.
Homer has a point there.
Wow, that widget went from high-brow to low-brow in 2.2 seconds. Impressive! ;)
A great quote is a great quote, regardless of its origins.
Sounds good to me...I think.
This got me on a crossword clue this weekend. The clue was Homer's wife. I had M _ R_ E. I guessed Marie. How was I supposed to know if Homer was even married, and why would I know his wife's name. When I said this out loud the room yelled, "MARGE!!!!"
ahahahaha...good one!
Those are words to live by.
Me no function flowers damn without well.
I thought so.
You just coined one.
D'oh back at'cha.
Happy for you. Do you want his widgit?
That's about the limits of my Simpsons knowledge. My education was lacking.
Peace or beer? Oh, well. Never mind.
Never got into the Simpsons. I think I am a minority.
I didn't either. That's why I assumed Flip was talking about THE Homer.
Sweet Pea,
Now I know what "d'oh" means. I am such a d'ork.
Quotes from the Iliad might make you sound more intelligent, but quotes from the Simpsons will get you bigger laughs, so I think your husband is on the right track.
He usually is.
Besides, who would recognize quotes from The Illiad?
GAH! The Iliad!
I had to translate that from Latin to English my senior year in H.S. Keep. It. Away.
Christina, I never got into The Simpsons either. I'm pretty sure I've seen fewer than 10 episodes.
That's 10 more than I've seen.
What is it with men and the Simpsons? One of the first things they learn to say when they're beginning to speak is "mmmm ...donuts".
I had no idea. There is so much in our culture that I've overlooked.
Oh, THAT Homer! (laughing)
Yeah, THAT Homer. Who knew?
"Mmm, floor pie."
Thats probably our favorite household Homer quote.
Did the Widget come with a donut??
I'll have to ask the expert. I am a Simpsons Ignoramus.
It's been such a long time since I watched an episode of the Simpsons. Do they even make new episodes of it anymore..?
I don't know. They would all be new to me.
chortle!! that's a good one - duuh!
Best Wishes
Your Tea Lady :)
That's hysterical! lol What's a widget anyway?
You weren't here. I started without you. Chai latte, mmmmmmm.
Wikipedia says: " In computer programming, a widget (or control) is an interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box."
I think they mean it's a thingie.
I was all ready for some classic quotes, and then.....that.
Homer just doesn't have the same class as Homer.
mmmmmmm forbidden donut *drool* sacrilicious....*drool*
Gee, you think?
I finally had to ask my in-house Simpsons expert what it is about donuts.
I like them, too, but probably not as much as Homer.
Hehehehe. Love it!
Thank you for coming over.
Grandpa: My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.
Contemplating the image of Homer Simpson as a porn star...
Obviously, I lack imagination.
ummmm Pork Chops....
Homer likes pork? There IS a kind of family resemblance, now that you mention it.
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