I think some of these towns took their names from truck stop signs. Others, it's hard to imagine what they were thinking. Or who lives there.
Eclectic, AL
Shorter, AL
Dead Horse, AK
Mary's Igloo, AK
Nightmute, AK
Monkey's Eyebrow, AZ
Why, AZ
Hygeine, CO
Joes, CO
Lay, CO
Briny Breezes, FL
Frostproof, FL
Panacea, Fl
Sopchoppy, FL
Two Egg, FL
Yeehaw Junction, FL
Enigma, GA
Experiment, GA
Quitman, GA
Normal, IL
Buddha, IN
French Lick, IN
Santa Claus, IN
Solitude, IN
Beebeetown, IA
What Cheer, IA
Gas, KS
Zook, KS
Cranks, KY
Cut Shin, KY
Dukedom, KY
Dwarf, KY
Hazard, KY
Hippo, KY
Krypton, KY
Mummie, KY
Mud Lick, KY
Pippa Passes, KY
Quicksand, KY
Ready, KY
Relief, KY
Shoulderblades, KY
Turkey, KY
Viper, KY
Vortex, KY
Wax, KY
Dry Prong, LA
Eros, LA
Plain Dealing, LA
Slaughter, LA
Waterproof, LA
Boring, MD
California, MD
Crappo, MD
Climax, MI
Gay, MI
Hell, MI
Nirvana, MI
Fertile, MN
Askew, MS
Hot Coffee, MS
Pahrump, NV
Flying H, NM
Truth or Consequences, NM
Can Do, ND
Bowlegs, OK
Kremlin, OK
Loco, OK
Boring, OR
Half.com, OR
Bird-in-Hand, PA
Blue Balls, PA
Burning Well, PA
Congress, PA
Intercourse, PA
Jugtown, PA
Scalp Level, PA
Stalker, PA
Ninety-Six, SC
Crooks, SD
Bangs, TX
Bushland, TX
Cut and Shoot, TX
Gun Barrel City, TX
Bigfoot, TX
Chocolate Bayou, TX
Disputanda, VA
Aloha, WA
Humptulips, WA
La Push, WA
Pysht, WA
Man, WV
Shanghai, WV
Sod, WV
I live near Boring, MD and I can tell you that never was a town more aptly named. (It doesn't even qualify as a town)
"Near" Boring, you say. So... Boring is the Big City thereabouts?
I recently visited a town in Northern California that had three prisons and a Walmart, the perfect setting for a Stephen King novel. It should have been named Boring, too. Or maybe Excrutiating.
I stopped for a meal at a roadside eatery and at a certain point said to the waitress "Excuse me, but may I ask you something?" She replied "You want to know why this town is called Truth or Consequences, right?"
They KNOW.
So why was it?
When were you in New Mexico?
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